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Safety Policy

Statement of intent

We believe that the safety of learners in our care is central to our educational philosophy. We endeavour to make our centre a safe place for learners, parents, staff and guests. We aim to make learners, parents and staff aware of safety issues and to minimise any potential hazards or risks to enable the learners to thrive in a safe environment.


Our induction for staff includes a clear explanation of safety issues so that all adults are able to adhere to our policy and understand their shared responsibility for safety at the centre. Safety issues in this policy are explained to the parents of new learners in order for them to understand how these policies are implemented into the daily life of the Centre. Level 1 First Aid Safety training is required for all teaching staff. Staff members are sent for refresher courses as and when needed to ensure that they stay up to date with their knowledge. When necessary, additional safety training is included in the annual staff training plans and safety is discussed regularly at staff meetings. Learners are consistently made aware of safety issues through discussions, planned activities, formal lessons and tasks and routines.

Contact Numbers in case of emergency

 Security – emergency response Brinant Security – 0861 174 343 THEY OFFER 24/7 MEDICAL ASSISTANCE AS WELL AS ARMED RESPONSE
 Cellphone 112
 Ambulance Services 10177
 Emergency Medical Response  Your own medical aid
 Netcare  082 911
 ER24  084 124
 Police Service  071 675 6400
 071 675 6399
SAPS Garsfontein 10111
 Fire Department  Press F on the Alarm Key Pad 10177 012 310 6300/6400   012 310 6200/2255
 Poison Control Centre   UNITAS 0800 111 229
 Social Service  Missing children: 072 647 7464
   Child abuse: 012 353 5867/810/806
   Childline: 0800 123 321

Risk Assessment and field work policy
Our assessment process includes:
  • Checking for hazards and / or risks both indoors and outdoors, prior to and during our activities and procedures. Our assessment covers safety for both adults and learners.
  • Addressing any areas which need attention and making concise decisions regarding how best to apply these measures.
  • Being aware of any food allergies of the learners in our care, as detailed by the parents and / or guardian.
  • Sufficient and appropriate staff is always present to meet the type of activity being undertaken and to comply with staffing ratios.
  • The minimum required number of staff is two, regardless of pupil numbers.
  • We obtain written consent from parents for all activities which take place off the Camps premises.
  • Contingency plans are put in place in the event of an accident or inclement weather.
  • We ensure that, when learners are away from the premises, a first aid box is taken on the trip.
  • We ensure that at least two mobile phones accompany a field study or any other during outing away from the Centre premises.
  • We ensure that the learners are advised of the appropriate dress and sun protection required for any outing.
  • No learner is allowed to use toilet facilities at a venue unless accompanied by a member of staff.
  • Ensuring arrangements are in place for the care of the learners when away from the registered premises. A risk assessment is done prior to any field studies, outings or camps.

Learner Security

We endeavour to see that all learners are supervised by adults at all times, within reasonable parameters relating to our hours (security guard). Whenever there are learners at the Centre, at least two adults must be present. Staff members arrive from 7:15 am daily. Staff must check the identity of any visitors they do not recognise before allowing them into the premises or past reception and into the Centre. Visitors to the Centre must be recorded, issued with Visitors badges that must be visibly worn at all times whilst at the Centre. Our goal is to deter unauthorised access to our premises. A member of staff is on duty during all drop off and collection times. All pedestrian and vehicle gates are manually controlled. All visitors are required to buzz the office to gain access to the Centre. A search of bags is done daily. All sign a search and seize declaration at the beginning of the academic year. Our systems deter learners from leaving our premises unnoticed. Other than drop off and collection times, all external gates are kept closed and locked.
Arrivals and Departures
  • Signing in and out are in place for the safe arrival and departure of learners, and the arrival and departure times of adults – staff and visitors – are known.
  • Parents are required to notify the Centre via email or telephone in the event of absenteeism, no later than 8:00 am.
  • No learner will be allowed into the care of any person whom we DO NOT know.
  • If in doubt, the person’s identity is verified by phoning the learner’s parent/guardian or the emergency contact numbers.
  • If anyone other than the learner’s parent or a person listed on the enrolment form is to fetch a learner from our Centre, we need to be notified in advance either in writing or by a phone call.
  • Information will then be passed on to the relevant staff member/s and recorded.
  • We would require the identity number of the person assigned to pick up as well as the car’s registration number. A photo would also be appreciated.
  • Please provide us with this information prior to pick up.
  • Learners must stay with their Educators or staff until the person collecting them arrives.
  • Any learner remaining after the relevant collection time will be handed over personally to the Aftercare staff. FEE’S APPLY.
  • Cell phones / tablets and other such devices should be signed in and out in the Campus offices that are taken.
Learners Safety
In the case of an accident the principal or closest staff member is immediately notified of any injury requiring medical treatment or hospitalisation for learner, parent, staff or visitor.
  • The member of staff who witnesses the incident is responsible for reporting the incident. This is recorded in Staff room.
  • This done as soon as the accident is dealt with, while the details are still clearly remembered.
  • Do not talk to others until this is recorded.
  • Only to relay major details of event leading to injury.
  • The relevant parent/s must be shown the incident report and will be asked to sign it as soon as the learner is collected. Or in the event of hospitalisation a staff member or HOD will remain with the person until the responsible person can take over.
Incidents, including illness, minor injuries, break-ins, burglary, theft of personal or Centre property, fire, flood, gas leak or electrical failure, an attack on a member of staff or parent on the premises, any racist incident involving a staff member or family on the premises, a terrorist attack or threat thereof – must be recorded in the incident book.
  • The following should be recorded – date and time of the incident, nature of the event, person affected, and any action taken – or if it is was reported to the Police, a case number. Any follow up, or insurance claim made, should also be recorded. parents are to counters-sign any incident as proof that they were informed.
  • In the unlikely event of terrorist attack, the advice of the emergency service with regard to evacuation, medical assistance and contacting learners’ family will be followed. The Fire Safety procedure will also be followed. The incident will be recorded when the threat has been averted.
Electrical /Gas Equipment
  • All electrical / gas equipment conform to safety requirements and are checked regularly.
  • Electrical switchgear and distribution boxes are not accessible to the learners.
  • Fires, heaters, electrical sockets, wires and leads are properly guarded and the learners are taught and reminded not to touch them.
  • There are sufficient electrical sockets to prevent overloading. We endeavour to check these regularly. In the event that something is not reported by staff and a learner has party to or sees this please report immediately.
  • Lighting and ventilation is adequate in all areas including storage areas.
  • Learners’ personal belongings are to be stored away safely out of the classroom but within their reach.
  • Small bags are encouraged.
  • Resources and materials for learners use are stored safely.
  • Other equipment and resources are stored safely.
  • Chemicals are stored in a locked cupboard and the keys are kept out of reach of the learners.
  • Cleaning materials are stored in a locked area.
Outdoor Areas
  • The outdoor play area is monitored by staff at all times.
  • The outdoor area is checked and cleared of rubbish daily.
  • Herbicides and pesticides are not used. The plants are routinely inspected to avoid and / or remove accidental growth of unwanted plants.
  • Outdoor activities are supervised at all times by staff and CCTV
Play Activities
  • Equipment and resources are checked routinely to ensure that they are safe for the ages and stages of the learners.
  • The layout of play equipment allows adults and learners to move safely and freely.
  • Equipment is regularly checked (as set up) for cleanliness and safety; broken items are repaired or discarded.
  • Materials used on equipment – including paint and glue – are non-toxic.
  • Sand is kept clean and renewed regularly.
  • Physical play is supervised at all times.
  • Windows above the ground floor are barred to prevent learners climbing through them.
  • Safety procedures are introduced through class activities, lessons and routines.
Fire Safety
Firefighting appliances conform to required standards, are fitted in appropriate high risk areas of the building and are checked in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Records are kept of services to fire safety equipment. Our emergency evacuation procedures are:
  • Clearly displayed in the premises
  • Explained to new members of staff
  • Practised regularly
Drill Procedure
  • If safe and easy, attempt to put out the fire using the nearest appropriate firefighting equipment, which is hanging at all key points.
  • The building concerned is to be immediately evacuated using the nearest safe exit.
  • Doors are to be closed behind learners and staff as they proceed out.
  • Teachers will take their respective registers.
  • Staff will ensure all learners have been evacuated and are assembled at the designated assembly points.
  • Principal, or senior management in charge, will check all areas including toilets, reception and play areas.
  • The teachers will check their registers to ensure all learners are accounted for.
  • The main office will call the fire department and / or emergency services. The handset will not be replaced until the fire department service confirms the address of the Centre. The alarm key pad can also be used to trigger the alarm.
  • All staff and other adults in the building must be accounted for at the assembly point.
  • Please note: Fire drills will be held at both regular and random intervals. A record is made of the date, time and duration of the drill, the number of staff and learners who were present, and the names of any visitors who may have been present at the time.
Safety of Adults
Adults are provided with guidance about the safe storage, movement, lifting and erection of large pieces of equipment. When adults need to reach up to store equipment or to change light bulbs they are provided with appropriate safe equipment to do so. All warning signs are clearly visible and in English. Adults should not remain in the building on their own or leave the premises on their own after dark. Records are kept of staff sickness and of their involvement in accidents. The records are reviewed twice per term to identify issues that may need to be addressed. Palm Tempelton provides staff with necessary Personal Protection Equipment relevant to the specific task or activity. Staff must protect themselves and learners during care tasks involving contact with bodily fluids. We meet our legal requirement for the safety of our employees at all times. We keep records of any accident involving a member of staff which requires treatment, whether in-house or by a general practitioner or hospital.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Learners  
Palm Tempelton works with learners and parents to maintain the welfare and safety of the learners. learners have the right to be treated with respect and to be safe from abuse in any form. Palm Tempelton has a commitment to safeguarding learners and promoting their welfare. Should anyone believe that this is not being upheld, it is their duty to report the matter to the Centre principal at the earliest opportunity. To this end Palm Tempelton endeavours to:
  • Create an environment which encourages learners to develop a positive self-image;
  • Encourage learners to develop a sense of independence and autonomy in a way that is appropriate for their age and stage of development;
  • Provide a safe and secure environment for all learners;
  • Always listen to learners.
Teachers have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of learners. Teachers will often be the first people to sense that there is a problem and may be the first people in whom learners confide about abuse, which could be physical, sexual, emotional or neglect. We will act quickly and responsible in any instance that may come to our attention. All our staff will act in the best interest of the learner. Palm Tempelton has a duty to report any suspicion around abuse and has an obligation to investigate such matters without delay. Staff will initially raise concerns with the Centre principal. The principal will then discuss the matter with a parent or Deputy principal, whichever is appropriate in the circumstances. Staff responsibilities do not include investigating suspected abuse. However, the teaching staff will keep accurate records of their observations, which will be signed and dated, and of anything said to them by the learner or any other person in connection with the suspected abuse. The principal will follow the recommendation: If it is in the best interest of the learner involved. If not the duty expected is report to CCMR or any other social services may be called to log the incident. 
Palm Tempelton endeavours to:
  • Ensure that learners are never placed at risk while in the charge of Palm Tempelton staff.
  • Ensure that confidently is maintained at all times.
  • Ensure that parents and families are treated with respect in a non-judgemental manner.
  • Ensure that all staff are aware of and alert to the recognisable signs of, and the different ways in which learners can be harmed, including by other learners, for example bullying (see Anti-Bullying Policy).
  • Ensure that all staff understand and are familiar with safeguarding procedures.
  • Ensure that parents are fully aware of safeguarding procedures when they enrol at Palm Tempelton and are kept informed of all updates timeously.
Recording Suspicion of Abuse and Disclosures
Staff will make an objective record of an observation or disclosure which will include:
  • Learner’s name
  • Learner’s address
  • Age of the learner
  • Date of birth
  • Date and time of the observation or the disclosure
  • Exact words spoken by the learner/injuries or marks seen
  • Name of the person to whom the concern was reported, with the date and time and the names of any other person present at the time.
  • A summary of any discussion held with a parent / carer.
  • These records are signed and dated and kept in a confidential file. Staff involved may be asked to supply details of any information or concerns they have with regard to a learner.
  • Palm Tempelton expects all members of staff to co-operate in any way necessary to ensure the safety of the learners.
Support to Families
Palm Tempelton strives to maintain a trusting and supportive relationship among families and staff. Palm Tempelton will continue to welcome the learner and the family whilst investigations are being made in relation to abuse in the home situation. Confidential records kept on a learner can be shared with the learner’s parents or those who have parental responsibility for the learner. We will do all in our power to support and work with the learner’s family, whilst at all times acting in the understanding that the best interests of the learner is paramount.
Employees of Palm Tempelton
  • If an allegation is made against a member of staff, the incident will be dealt with by the Centre principal.
  • A full investigation will be carried out to determine how the specific allegation will best be handled, taking all relevant circumstances into account.
  • If, in light of the allegation, there could possibly be interference with the normal functioning of the Centre, the member of staff will be allocated to another area, after due consultation with all parties.
  • Palm Tempelton reserves the right to suspend any member of staff on full pay or no pay, during such investigation.
  • All investigations / interviews will be documented and kept securely.
  • Unfounded allegations will result in all the staff member’s rights being re-instated.
  • All allegations found to have merit will be passed on to Senior Management and may result in the termination of employment of that member of staff.
  • Counselling will be available for any Palm Tempelton staff member who is affected by an allegation, their colleagues at the Centre and the parents.
Child Care Safety – Weapons reason
In order to keep our learners safe, no one may bring or use weapons of any kind on the premises for any reason. This includes but is not limited to firearms, ammunition and any other object that could, in the sole discretion at the principal, reasonably be perceived as a weapon.
  • Persons attempting to bring weapons onto the premises will be asked to leave immediately
  • Failure to comply will result in the matter being escalated to the security armed response and for the Police.
  • Palm Tempelton does not own or store any weapons, firearms or ammunition on the property.
Visitors and Supervision of Visitors
All visitors’ details are recorded in the Centre office. A member of staff must accompany visitors to the Centre at all times.
Teaching and teaching support staff:
  • Learners must be supervised all the times.
  • Water safety is paramount as learners can drown in only a few centimetres of water.
  • Special care should be taken when learners are using apparatus such as a climbing frame and when walking down outside steps.
  • Two members of staff will at all times, supervise outdoor play and climbing equipment.
  • When the learners are outdoors, staff must be aware of bushes, shrubs and plants.
  • All learners must be removed from an environment that has bees or wasps and the HOD alerted immediately.
Late Collection and Non-Collection
All parents are informed of and agree to comply with an approximate arrival time for the learner at the Centre and the procedures to follow if expected to be late. In the instance of a learner not being collected from the Centre timeously and after a reasonable amount of time (10 minutes) has passed and the learner is not enrolled in After Care, the following procedure will be initiated by teaching or aftercare staff.
  • Inform the front office administration that learner has not been collected, and sign the learner in aftercare.
  • The front office administrator will check for any information regarding changes to the normal routines, parents work patterns or general information.
  • If there is no information recorded, the parents / carers will be contacted on the numbers provided, for either their home or work.
  • Should the parent / carer not be available / contactable, the emergency contacts will then be contacted as per the learner’s records.
  • The centre principal or staff member on duty and one other member of staff will stay behind with the learner (if it falls outside Aftercare hours).
  • The centre principal will telephone all contact numbers available every ten (10) minutes until contacts is made.
  • These calls will be noted and recorded.
  • The two members of staff will remain in the building until suitable arrangements have been made for the collection of the learner.
  • The learner’s welfare and needs will be the primary priority at all times.
Mobile Phones
In the interest of safety, members of staff and student teachers are not permitted to use their mobile phones or have them on their person while working with the learners. EXCEPTION: Staff who are away from the Centre with learners (on fields studies etc.) must have a fully charged mobile phone with them at all such times.
The following records are kept by the Centre administration. Physical copies of relevant documents are kept with Palm Tempelton Group Office:
  • Names and address of all staff on the premises, including temporary staff.
  • All records relating to the staff’s employment with Palm Tempelton, including application forms, references and results of any checks conducted; including a Police clearance certificate.
  • Learners’ names, address and telephone numbers of their parents and / or other adults authorised to collect the learners from the Centre.
  • The names, address and telephone numbers of emergency contacts in case of learners’ illness or accident.
  • The allergies, dietary requirement, vaccination records and illness of individual learner.
  • The times of attendance of learners, staff and visitors.
  • Accidents and medicine administration records.
  • Consents for field studies, administration of medication, emergency treatment and incidents.
  • Administration of medication WILL NOT BE DONE AS A RULE.
  • Any dangerous or potentially dangerous incidents, whether such incident resulted in an injury or not, including a gas leak or falling branch. This will be recorded in the incident book.